Everyone knows that the one thing you can do every time you fill up to maximize your gas mileage is to check your tire pressure, yet most of us do not. FOBO Tire makes checking your tire pressure as easy as looking at your smart phone.
FOBO Tire is a tire pressure monitoring system that mounts on each tire valve stem providing contiguous monitoring of up to twenty vehicles. Setting up the system takes about five minutes by replacing each cap with a FOBO Tire unit and then linking each unit to the smart phone application through a Bluetooth connection. Theft prevention is handled by a special wrench used in the installation process and also by locking each unit to the owner’s cloud account making them unusable if stolen. An in-vehicle monitor included with the system provides an additional alert for the driver if a smart phone is not readily available.
Each FOBO Tire unit is powered by a coin cell battery that will give the unit about two years of life under normal operating conditions. FOBO Tire will retail for 150 bucks and is looking at a late 2014 release with backers of their Indiegogo Campaign grabbing a complete set for a deep discount.
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