Locate Anything with the BluTracker Bluetooth GPS LocatorIf your dog is a jail-breaker or you have ever had a hard time locating your car, the long range BluTracker might be what you need.

BluTracker is a small Bluetooth GPS locator that has a range of up to 2500 feet and when combined with their free app provides accurate location information to ten feet. It works by using specially modified RF amplifiers and an omnidirectional long-range antenna to broadcast with Bluetooth 4.0 the GPS location of the device. The app lets you see the device relative to your position on Google Maps and even lets you set a virtual fence, alerting you if the device leaves the fence area. Bad Dog! If you are indoors, the app also has a radar feature allowing you to locate the device and move toward its direction.

BluTracker is water resistant and the rechargeable battery will last about 2 months on a charge. BluTracker has several applications tracking anything you can think of. The device also has motion detection and will alert you if it is moved making it a decent alarm system for things you do not want moving. With the ability to pair up to twenty devices to a phone, who is up for a game of tag?

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