
FuelBox is Mobile Power at Home or On the Go

  FuelBox is one of the more elegant mobile power charging solutions I have seen in a while combining device charging at home and on-the-go in one complete system. FuelBox is a mobile power device charging solution that uses a docking, "powerStation" and an easily transportable, "boostPack". The powerStation plugs directly into a standard outlet acting as a surge protector for anything using the outlet for power. The boostPack docks to the top of the powerStation using a magnetic connector and is capable of providing approximately 25 hours of extra battery life for mobile devices when fully charged. The best part about using FuelBox is there are no cords; both components [...]

Smart-me Monitors Energy Usage and Production

  Knowing how much power the appliances in your home use can help conserve power and save money. Smart-me is a smart plug power monitor that can do much more than trend energy usage. Smart-me plugs into a standard outlet and gives owners the ability to monitor consumption of any device that uses the outlet for power. Setup is as easy as plugging it in and tethering it to a smart device application using your home wireless connection. With the app, owners can monitor power consumption, turn appliances on or off, set timers to power appliances and even monitor temperature from anywhere. Smart-me displays this information in easy to read graphs [...]

Go Kin Packs Have Redefined the Power Walk

  Going for a power walk usually means heading out for a fitness speed walk. With Go Kin Packs, going for a power walk is literally going for a power walk. Go Kin Packs carry more than just your stuff; they contain a complete power generating and storage system. The packs work by using an internal generator that utilizes two cables attached to the wearer's ankles or shoes producing power as they walk. Generated power is then stored to a lithium-ion battery inside the module. During testing of the system, after just a brisk five-minute walk, the pack contained enough juice for a ten to twenty-five minute phone call. The pack [...]