
Stop Skimming and Get Swimming with Solar-Breeze

  Check It Out or Buy on Amazon (Paid Link)   Personal robotic systems can clean your gutters, vacuum your carpet and now with Solar-Breeze, your wife will have to say goodbye to the pool boy. Solar-Breeze is a robotic pool skimmer that cruises around the pool all day using solar power to pick up floaters and keep the pool swim ready. A rear paddle moves the robot around the pool trapping debris from the front of the unit in an ultra-fine nylon mesh filter removing most of the surface contaminates before they sink. Chemicals can also be released while the robot skims the pool from a [...]

JIBO Robotic Platform Will Become Part of the Family

  Robotics come in all shapes and sizes and can do just about everything from vacuum your rugs to build a car. JIBO is a lifestyle robotic platform, designed and programmed to help as more of a family personal assistant. JIBO is a hands-free interactive platform that reminds me of the robot, "EVE" from the movie, "WALL-E". JIBO is placed in a central location and uses both facial and voice recognition to assist with things like notifications, messaging, photography and as an avatar for virtual presence. JIBO learns using algorithms to adapt to your life by understanding your preferences and emotive cues to communicate naturally and to be a better companion. [...]