TellSpec Handheld Scanner Identifies Food Allergens and NutritionThe labels on food containers can tell us what is in our food but even those can be suspect with food companies listing only what they need by regulation. For food safety and to know exactly what is in the food we eat, anywhere we are eating, requires spectrometer analysis that until now has been out of reach.

TellSpec not only puts laser spectrometer analysis within reach, it puts it right in our hands in a portable package for food safety anywhere. TellSpec works by firing a laser at the food you are about to eat and captures the reflected spectrum that it sends wirelessly to cloud servers for analysis. This analysis is broken down into an easy to read report that is delivered within seconds to your smart phone alerting you to any allergens, chemicals, pesticides or other dangers that might not be visible. The app uses a simple red, yellow and green color scheme and each identified substance is clickable with a full definition and background information. The report also contains a calorie count of the scanned food giving users of the app the ability to track their intake and monitor their daily caloric goals.

TellSpec remembers what you eat and learns from each scan helping users track not only nutritional goals but also helping to identify any sensitivity in their diet. TellSpec can scan food or drinks that are still in the plastic or glass package and the small size makes it an ideal shopping companion for those with food allergies and the health conscious alike. TellSpec will be developed in 2014 and should be released late that year; if you want to grab one of the first models, check out their Indiegogo campaign.

Check it out: TellSpec

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