Of all the human obsessions, time ranks near the top of the list and more specifically, how much time do any of us really have. Tikker is a new countdown clock that not only shows you the time of day, it can remind you to have the time of your life.
Tikker is a stylish countdown clock that will not only give you the time of day, it will also give you a countdown to your expiration date. Tikker works by filling out a life span type survey, the kind most of us have seen before on the web asking about habits, diet and exercise resulting in a time in the future. The user then deducts their current age and sets the countdown to their estimated demise; a constant reminder on your wrist that the clock is ticking and life is short. Tikker is water resistant and while we are on life spans, the internal battery will last almost three years, keeping track of your due date while you change the battery.
Tikker has a purpose beyond being a grim reminder that you will not in fact survive this life, it is there to remind us to smile, be happy and truly live life in every moment. Tikker will retail for 59 bucks and even comes with a copy of About Time, a book that explains this whole time mystery.
Check it out: