3D Printing Comes Home with the Cube and CubeX3D printers are changing the way designers can test their models and, let’s face it; they are also a lot of fun. However, the cost of doing it yourself has always a hurdle.

3D Systems has two 3D Printer models that will meet your printing needs and no doubt keep the kids entertained as well. Their base model, The Cube, can print in one color and create anything in a five-and-a-half inch square space. The Cube is a great choice for the home user that wants to explore additive printing and comes complete with a print cartridge, software and 25 cool designs that will most likely have you ordering more print cartridges in any of the 16 colors immediately.

Their other model, The CubeX, expands your printing with the ability to print with more than one color at once. The CubeX is billed as a more professional device and has a higher price tag but let’s you print with more than 18 colors three at a time. The print space is about double that of their Cube model and the resolution is better, meaning less jagged edges to the final printed model.

3D Systems wants you to print and have fun with 3D modeling. They offer a number of collections that you can download and print from their website and have a printing community of artists and designers ready to share their models. It’s a lot of fun and you can grab a printer of your own for 1300 bucks.

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