It has been proven that getting a good night sleep has benefits beyond feeling rested; it is a key factor in your overall health. Beddit is a sleep monitoring system that will show you what you are doing with your eyes closed so you can get a better night’s rest.
Beddit is a sleep monitoring system that does not use the typical wearable sensors, headbands or bracelets. The system uses an ultra-thin film sensor that is placed under your sheet to monitor your body using the science of ballistocardiography. It collects biometric data including heart rate, breathing patterns, snoring, body movements, sleep and wake time and even sleep stages. All of this data is collected and sent to a smart device app for you to review when you wake and the app will even offer suggestions on how you can make changes to get a better night’s sleep.
Beddit is powered by a low voltage USB power supply that plugs into a nearby outlet transforming your bed into a smart bed. All you have to do is sleep. Beddit has fully funded its Indiegogo campaign and plans on shipping unit by November; check them out before you sack out.
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