Make Your Favorite Footwear Smarter with DigiSoleAt the heart and soul of every serious fitness program is the activity tracker. DigiSole is the tracker you put between you and the world so when you hit the ground running, you can see how you move.

DigiSole is a footwear insole motion and activity tracker that uses advanced pressure mapping technology to monitor your every step. The sensors are as thin as a piece of paper and can track performance data with high accuracy based on foot weight distribution in upright activities like walking, running, cycling or in any activity that involves these actions, like golf. The collected data is sent through Bluetooth to a smart device application that shows how you are distributing your weight on your feet with recommendations on, “steps” you need to take to improve.

DigiSole has been designed to put up with everything your feet can encounter and are durable, comfortable and can withstand the elements for long-term use. DigiSole currently seeking funds through Kickstarter to get them on the streets by late 2015, backers can grab a pair for just 200 bucks.

Check them out: DigiSole

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