Replace Old Outlets with WallCharger and Power EverythingWith USB charging becoming the preferred choice of providing power to mobile devices, it makes sense that the next smart home upgrade should be to change out your old wall outlets with a WallCharger.

WallCharger is a standard outlet in every way except these outlets also have the ability to charge up your mobile devices without searching for a charger. Each outlet has two regular receptacles for plugging in appliances and two USB ports giving the outlet the advantage of being able to use both sockets when devices are charging. Each outlet carries the certifications needed in the countries where they can be installed with models available for residents of the UK, France, Germany and the USA.

Turning any wall outlet into a wall charging station gives device owners the flexibility to charge or use charging devices in any room without searching for an open outlet. WallCharger will be released mid-2014 with an estimated retail price of 35 bucks; you can grab one for 20 by supporting their Indiegogo campaign.

Check them out: WallCharger

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