TinkerBots Teach Robotics with Easy Building Block DesignJust about every child is fascinated by robotics however, to use even the simplest introductory set means waiting until they are older. With TinkerBots robotic kit by Kinematics, building a robotic system is now possible for the youngest of engineers, and their parents.

TinkerBots is a building block-based robotic kit learning toy that requires no programming knowledge to make moving and usable systems. The main piece of the robotic kit is a red controller block known as the, “Power Brain” containing an Arduino microcontroller along with the battery, a speaker, a gyro sensor and Bluetooth. Other blocks attach to the Power Brain by snapping into place and can do a variety of movements like pivot, turn, twist, sense light and distance and even grab objects. Passive blocks can be attached to give the robot form and with an adapter plate, even Lego blocks can be used in the design. Once built, telling the robot what to do is as easy as recording movements and playing them, or by controlling the robot through a smart phone application.

TinkerBots is initially offered a number of different robotic kits that can be constructed, but are not limited to, specific designs. Kinematics has future modules planned including solar panels, a wind engine, a crank-power generator and even rotors for young drone builders. TinkerBots is currently seeking funds through Indiegogo and supporters can grab a basic set for 159 bucks with delivery by the Holidays.

Check them out: TinkerBots

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