Trinity Charges Mobile Devices Using Wind PowerRemote mobile device charging systems have usually focused on portable solar options or emergency power storage. Trinity is a new idea in charging that uses the power of the wind to create clean energy for any mobile device.

Trinity is a portable fifteen-watt generator that charges an internal 15,000-milliamp hour battery using wind power to spin three blades. The system unfolds from a twelve-inch cylinder to a tripod supported personal windmill in just a few seconds. The legs are adjustable; laying completely flat depending on the location and in any configuration can be staked down for added stability. Mobile devices can be charged from a USB port on the end of the system and with a full charge, Trinity can provide four to six full charges.

Trinity can be placed in any open area for catching the wind and is ideal for outdoor activities or even emergency situations. Trinity is targeting an early 2015 release and currently is planning on a 399-dollar suggested retail price; backers of their Kickstarter can pick one up for just 250 bucks.

Check them out: Trinity

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